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This is in my yard. Any thoughts?


Erin said:
I’m thinking it’s like the Hatch in Lost – careful if you go down there, you might get stuck punching in numbers for indeterminate purposes

Arty said:
With the wires that are shown a powered light feature or fountain with a light fixture.

Don said:
The yard must have been part of a golf course at one time. It’s a fairway yardage marker with the yardage insert removed.

Chaz said:
I agree with the fountain idea. That stuff probably connected to recirculating pump to run the fountain. Hopefully those wires aren’t still connected to power

Eric said:
Fill for underground oil tank for a furnace. Possibly had an oil furnace at one time.

Jeffrey said:
Base for a fountain the wires for a pump

Brian said:
Portal to another dimension

Ella said:
Base of a waterfountain

Mike said:
Looks like an old discarded light fixture ceiling medallion

Wayne said:
Put a battery in it and see if it does anything

Alyssa said:
Time Capsule

Charlie said:
Stand for a garden lamp?

Marc said:
Do not open it!
I repeat do not open it!
I think it might be a lawn sprinkler.

Betty said:
Somebody’ ashes.A family member who as been cremated.This sometimes happens

Todd said:
The electrical wires shows it may be a base for a lamp post.

Matthew said:
Sun dial. Missing the spire.

Debra said:
Loads,don’t know what that is but l have thoughts.

Yvonne said:
Be careful I just read Stephen King’s Fairy Tale it makes you think

Timothy said:
Bird? bath

Waz said:
Looks like a decorative fountain base

Grace said:
Powered fountain b as e/hook up.

Anthony said:
If you put the staff of rod in it the sun will hit the crystal telling you where the well of the souls is located!!! Lol

Jon said:
My guess is either the base for a fountain or exterior lighting. I see a little wire in there.

Roberta said:

Well cap? Can’t tell how big it is.

Jane said:
I’m thinking power or solar fountain or bird bath base.

Jim said:
Unleash your RV’s blackwater at the dumping station!

Aysie said:
Time capsule or base for solar water feature

David said:

Alien spacecraft
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