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The Grand hotel of San Pellegrino, the 18 million euro restoration completed

The Grand Hotel San Pellegrino, located in San Pellegrino Terme, Italy, has a fascinating history. Designed by architect Romolo Squadrelli, it was inaugurated in 1901 and quickly became a symbol of luxury and opulence, attracting elite guests from around the world. However, after World War II, the hotel began to decline, and despite efforts to revive it, it eventually closed its doors in 1979.

Since then, the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino has remained abandoned, becoming a hauntingly beautiful relic of a bygone era. Its ornate Belle Époque architecture and picturesque setting in the Italian Alps have drawn urban explorers and photographers alike, capturing the decaying grandeur of the once-thriving resort.

Efforts have been made over the years to restore the hotel to its former glory, but various challenges, including legal and financial issues, have hindered progress. Nevertheless, its allure persists, attracting visitors who are captivated by its history and intrigued by the mystery that surrounds it.

Abandoned Grand Hotel - San Pellegrino (Northern Italy) :  r/AccidentalWesAnderson

Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of the Italian Alps lies a majestic relic of a bygone era: the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino. Like a silent sentinel of opulence and grandeur, this magnificent structure, with its Belle Époque architecture, stands as a testament to a golden age of luxury and sophistication.

Built in 1901 by the visionary architect Romolo Squadrelli, the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino quickly became a playground for the elite, attracting distinguished guests from across the globe. Its illustrious halls echoed with the laughter of aristocrats, the clinking of champagne glasses, and the melodies of live orchestras, creating an atmosphere of unparalleled extravagance and refinement.

However, the winds of change blew fiercely after World War II, casting a shadow over the once-vibrant resort. As the allure of spa towns waned and travel preferences shifted, the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino fell into a graceful slumber, its halls gradually succumbing to the inexorable march of time.

Today, this captivating edifice stands frozen in time, its faded grandeur a haunting reminder of its illustrious past. Peeling paint and crumbling facades only add to its mystique, beckoning intrepid souls to embark on a journey through its hallowed halls and forgotten corridors.

For adventurers and explorers, the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino offers a tantalizing glimpse into a world long forgotten. Urban explorers and photographers alike flock to its crumbling doorstep, seeking to capture the beauty of decay and the melancholy charm of a lost era.

But beyond its weathered exterior lies a story of resilience and hope. Efforts to restore the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino to its former glory are underway, fueled by a passion to breathe new life into this architectural gem. Despite the challenges that lie ahead – legal complexities, financial hurdles – the dream of reviving this once-glorious resort burns bright in the hearts of many.

As the sun sets over the snow-capped peaks of the Alps, casting a golden glow upon the faded splendor of the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino, one cannot help but feel a sense of awe and reverence. In its silent halls and deserted rooms, echoes of a bygone era linger, waiting to be rediscovered and celebrated once more.

So, dear traveler, if you find yourself drawn to the allure of forgotten places and hidden treasures, venture forth and uncover the secrets of the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino. For in its storied walls lies a tale of timeless elegance and enduring beauty, just waiting to be told.

Abandoned Grand Hotel San Pellegrino, Italy

People speak of the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino with a mixture of awe, nostalgia, and fascination. Here’s a glimpse into what people say about this enigmatic establishment:

Awe-Inspiring Architecture: Visitors marvel at the architectural splendor of the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino. Its Belle Époque design, characterized by ornate detailing and grandiose proportions, evokes a sense of wonder and admiration.

Echoes of Elegance: Many reminisce about the hotel’s heyday, recalling stories of glamorous soirées, opulent banquets, and luxurious accommodations. The memories of a bygone era linger in the minds of those who once reveled in its splendor.

Haunting Beauty: Urban explorers and photographers are drawn to the haunting beauty of the abandoned hotel. Its dilapidated state, juxtaposed with remnants of grandeur, provides a poignant backdrop for capturing the passage of time and the resilience of human creation.

Mystery and Intrigue: The Grand Hotel San Pellegrino is shrouded in mystery, sparking the imagination of those intrigued by its untold stories and forgotten secrets. Speculation abounds about the lives of its former guests and the events that unfolded within its walls.

Symbol of Resilience: Despite its current state of disrepair, the hotel symbolizes resilience and hope for many. Efforts to restore and revitalize this architectural gem are met with enthusiasm and support, reflecting a desire to preserve history and heritage for future generations.

Overall, the Grand Hotel San Pellegrino elicits a wide range of emotions and sentiments from those who encounter it, serving as a poignant reminder of the enduring allure of the past and the enduring power of human creativity.


San Pellegrino: rinasce la fabbrica dei sogni del Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel San Pellegrino Terme | Stained glass window panel, Art stained,  Beautiful buildings

San Pellegrino: rinasce la fabbrica dei sogni del Grand Hotel

Il Grand hotel di San Pellegrino, concluso il restauro da 18 milioni di  euro - Foto - Cronaca

The majestic chandelier returns to welcome guests: it is the symbol of a first rebirth for the Grand Hotel of San Pellegrino, inaugurated in 1904, closed since 1978 and a national liberty monument.

After five years of work (with delays due to the pandemic), thanks to 18.650 million euros (state funds), Intercantieri Vittadello of Padua has completed the restoration of the mezzanine floor, the entrance to the historic hotel which for decades hosted royalty, generals and poets and footballers.

The large halls, the upholstery, the decorations, the parquet floors which have been restored to the original, and large chandeliers have been refurbished. With the available funds, the structure was also consolidated and the kitchens renovated. In recent days the company is removing the scaffolding and dismantling the construction site.

Four companies interested

But there is still a lot of work that remains to be done at the Grand Hotel. And a new construction site, after the one just concluded but also after the recovery of the facades which took place a few years ago, is ready to start: it involves the arrangement of the entire external area, fences, garden, a small car park, with works that will start next June 7th to end after six months, for 700 thousand euros.

In the meantime, the Municipality (owner of the historic building) is still looking for someone who can complete the recovery (the hotel still needs around 25 million euros) and manage it, at least starting from the ground floor alone.

The last tender in February to complete the works was deserted. In recent months, four companies had shown interest in the recovery and subsequent management, including «QC Terme» by Quadrio Curzio, manager of the Percassi Spa in San Pellegrino. But at the time of the race no one had shown up. It was yet another “setback” to the rebirth of the structure, after an expression of interest and a tender with a deadline extended several times.

«At the end of June we plan to propose another tender for completion and management (there are also three million euros available from the Region, ed.) – explains the mayor Vittorio Milesi -. Unfortunately, the pandemic and the market stoppage stopped an operation that now seemed to be done: there were private individuals ready to invest. Now, also on the advice of market operators, we will propose a new tender with a deadline around September, in the hope that, once the health emergency is over, interest will also return for this type of investment”.

«We will then evaluate the availability of the operators in the autumn. Otherwise we will look for a manager for the ground floor, now completed and usable.” concludes the mayor

It will open for visits to the public

As for the intended use of the structure, the Municipality remains open to multiple solutions, from the original hotel one, but also for the healthcare one (retirement home or university research facility), to the hotel school one. Weeks ago the Municipality made the Grand Hotel available to the University of Bergamo, in search of detached spaces. But at the moment there seems to be no prospects.

The idea, however, given that an important part of the work has been completed, is to find at least some opportunities to reopen it to the public. As already happened several years ago, when, despite the closure of the hotel, the mezzanine floor was used for auctions and was therefore open to the public.

«We are thinking of guided tours – continues Milesi – perhaps on the occasion of Art Nouveau Week, scheduled for July. Now a plan has shined again and leaving it closed again would be a shame.” Waiting for someone to be found ready to invest in the total recovery of the liberty jewel.


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