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Silver metal object with crossing pattern like wine rack. It feels about 15 pounds. Found outside of newly purchased home.

A questioner said:

Silver metal object with crossing pattern like wine rack. It feels about 15 pounds. Found outside of newly purchased home.

r/whatisthisthing - Silver metal object with crossing pattern like wine rack. It feels about 15 pounds. Found outside of newly purchased home.

More from the owner:

As I said, it looks like a wine rack but the slots feel larger than any I have seen. The home is in the southern U.S. if that helps. It’s about 2 feet long.

Some of the people opinions on it:

“cooldude_4000” said:

It’s for compact discs.

“devjoolz” said:

It’s a tabletop CD rack from the late nineties/early noughties. I used to own one – purchased from UK retailer “State of Independence” in around 2003.

“Willamina03” said:

Wood/ kindling holder?

“brentspar” said:

What are the dimensions – if it is deep enough for a wine bottle, its probably a wine rack,, otherwise its a bookcase or CD (remember them) stand.

“Doctorofmeat” said:

Assuming it’s strong enough, maybe it’s meant to hold three or four bottles in each section.

“chitownburgerboy” said:

As others have said, CD rack. I cut my knee open on the top corner of that exact same one running through the living room as a kid.

“I_like_big_bugs” said:

It looks like a book shelf everyone had in their teen bedroom in the 90s

“moneyshot62” said:

Given it’s outside, could it be an insert to a rectangular planter lying on its side?

“kalenotwhales” said:

I have the same shelf made of wood, and I have no idea what to do with it. Husband bought it because it he liked the shape. It just sits in the corner. So I am following this.

“basec0m” said:

I’d go with CD storage

“competitive-cry9963” said:

Book shelf?


What do you think about it? Let us know in the comment!

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Moving into a new home is always an adventure, filled with the excitement of discovering hidden nooks and crannies, and sometimes, unexpected finds. For one recent homeowner, the latter came in the form of a curious silver metal object, prompting intrigue and speculation about its purpose.

The Discovery

The object was found outside the newly purchased property, half-buried under a layer of leaves and dirt. Its striking appearance immediately caught the homeowner’s attention. Made of sturdy silver metal, the object features a distinctive crossing pattern reminiscent of a wine rack. Weighing approximately 15 pounds, it was hefty enough to suggest durability and utility but enigmatic enough to leave its purpose unclear.

Initial Impressions

At first glance, the object’s crisscross design and robust construction led to the logical assumption that it might be a wine rack. Wine racks often employ a similar pattern to hold bottles securely, and the object’s size and weight seemed to fit this purpose. However, the context of its discovery — outside, rather than inside a kitchen or dining area — raised questions.

A Closer Examination

Upon closer inspection, several key features of the object came to light:

Material: The silver metal is not just for show; it is strong and resistant to rust, indicating that it was built to withstand the elements.

Design: The crossing pattern is meticulously crafted, with symmetrical intersections and a polished finish, suggesting that aesthetics were as important as functionality in its creation.

Weight: At 15 pounds, the object is heavier than a typical wine rack, which usually prioritizes lightweight materials for ease of use.

Potential Uses

While a wine rack is a plausible theory, the object’s unusual circumstances and certain characteristics hint at alternative possibilities. Here are a few speculations:

Outdoor Wine Rack: It could indeed be a wine rack, designed specifically for outdoor use, perhaps as part of a patio bar setup.

Garden Tool Organizer: The sturdy construction and outdoor location suggest it might be used to store and organize garden tools.

Decorative Trellis: Its intricate design could serve as a decorative trellis in a garden, supporting climbing plants or flowers.

Architectural Salvage: It might be a piece of architectural salvage, originally part of a larger structure such as a gate or fence, repurposed or discarded.

The Mystery Continues

Despite its striking appearance and the theories it has inspired, the true purpose of the silver metal object remains a mystery. The homeowner has reached out to local historians and neighbors, hoping to uncover more about its origins. Whether it turns out to be a rare find or a common item with an unusual story, the object has already added a touch of intrigue to their new home.


The discovery of the silver metal object serves as a reminder of the stories and secrets that homes and their surroundings can hold. As the new homeowner continues to unravel the mystery, they embrace the sense of wonder and curiosity that comes with exploring new spaces. Whether it ultimately holds bottles of wine, garden tools, or simply a tale of its own, this enigmatic object has certainly made its mark.


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