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Metal thing with a square hole in the bottom.

r/whatisthisthing - Metal thing with a square hole in the bottom

Someone said:

It’s a drum key. Specifically, it’s this drum key. Technically, it’s the same size as a 1/4″ water key, but this particular one is sold and marketed to drummers.

Someone said:

It’s a key for turning things with a square head, such as water valves, gas valves, etc

Someone said:

Drum key. I’ve lost so many of those over the course of my life.

Someone said:

Either a drum key like others have mentioned, or a tuning wrench for certain instruments such as a hammered dulcimer or bowed psaltry

Someone said:

Back when I used play the drums in various bands when I was younger I kept one on my key ring

Someone said:
That’s a drum key, it’s used to tighten the screws on drum head to change the pitch.

Someone said:
That’s a square/drum key. They are commonly used in technical locks where whatever hidden isn’t as important to require a unique, separate own key. For example in railways it’s the most common type of lock being Found nearly everywhere; on the battery hatches, on door locks and manual pneumatic door openers, on maintenance hatches which hide all the electrical or pneumatic stuff away from passengers’ reach etc.

Someone said:

I once tried to use a drum key to wedge a plug out of an outlet. Seconds later the wall was black, I was a few feet away and half the t part of the key was missing.

Someone said:

Gas key for a gas fireplace insert. Look around on the floor near the fireplace, there’s probably a semi hidden place to fit it.

My house has this, but the gas insert was removed decades ago (for obvious safety reasons). But the key is still sitting on the mantle.

Someone said:
That’s for like sinks in public restrooms where you can’t have a valve cause someone will turn it on lol

Someone said:
Water key … used at like every school in the great US of A … for outside spigot

Someone said:

It could be a key used to turn the gas valve on for a natural gas fireplace

Someone said:
the hole looks a little large to be a radiator key, so probably a drum key


Unveiling the Mystery of the Metal Thing with a Square Hole

In the vast landscape of everyday objects, there are some that captivate our curiosity simply by their enigmatic appearance. Among these is the metal thing with a square hole in the bottom. Found in various contexts, from workshops to household garages, this peculiar item often raises questions about its purpose and function. Let’s delve into the world of this mysterious artifact and uncover its secrets.

Firstly, the appearance of the metal thing is striking. Its metallic construction suggests durability and utility, while the square hole at the bottom adds an intriguing element. This square opening is usually precisely cut and seems purposeful, hinting at a specific function rather than being a mere design quirk.

One common application of the metal thing with a square hole is in woodworking. Known as a bench dog, it serves as a workbench accessory to hold pieces of wood in place during tasks such as sawing, planing, or sanding. The square hole accommodates a bench dog clamp, securing the workpiece firmly to the workbench surface, preventing movement and ensuring precision in woodworking projects.

Another use for this enigmatic object lies in the realm of metalworking. In metal fabrication and welding, the metal thing with a square hole transforms into a tool called a welder’s magnet square. This magnetic device assists welders in aligning metal pieces at precise right angles before welding them together. The square hole facilitates easy attachment to metal surfaces, while the magnetism ensures stability and accuracy during the welding process.

Beyond woodworking and metalworking, the metal thing with a square hole finds utility in various other applications. In construction, it may serve as a temporary anchor point for scaffolding or as a component in framing structures. In automotive repair, it could be part of a jig for holding vehicle components in place during repairs or modifications. Its versatility and adaptability make it a valuable asset in diverse industries and trades.

Despite its seemingly straightforward functionality, the metal thing with a square hole sparks curiosity and invites exploration. Its simplicity belies the intricate roles it plays in different fields, from facilitating precision in craftsmanship to enhancing efficiency in industrial processes. Its ubiquity in workshops and garages underscores its status as an indispensable tool for those who work with their hands and create with precision.

In conclusion, the metal thing with a square hole may appear unassuming at first glance, but its significance becomes apparent upon closer examination. Whether it’s holding wood steady on a workbench, aligning metal pieces for welding, or aiding in various other tasks, this humble object proves its worth time and again. So the next time you encounter one of these mysterious metal artifacts, take a moment to appreciate its simplicity and the myriad ways it contributes to the world of craftsmanship and fabrication.

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