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On front exterior of Philadelphia row home. Looks like it was painted over with the rest of the house and has either a W or M on it. About 3”x6”. Don’t see anything like it on other homes around the neighborhood.

A questioner said:

On front exterior of Philadelphia row home. Looks like it was painted over with the rest of the house and has either a W or M on it. About 3”x6”. Don’t see anything like it on other homes around the neighborhood.

r/whatisthisthing - On front exterior of Philadelphia row home. Looks like it was painted over with the rest of the house and has either a W or M on it. About 3”x6”. Don’t see anything like it on other homes around the neighborhood.

More info:

Have tried reverse image search with no success and haven’t tried unscrewing it without knowing what it is first. Other houses have spouts for hoses in front that look more traditional than this so not sure if this is just another version of that or something else.

Some of the comments:

  1. Looks like a sewer clean out. Oil fill is usually 6 sided.
  2. Looks like the Westinghouse logo. I would think it’s a pipe cleanout of some sort.
  3. In my Philly experience, you find the oldest guy in the neighborhood, and they’ll know what it’s for.
  4. I would guess home heating oil inlet into a storage tank. In this case, there would be a vent outlet near also.
  5. What’s on the other side of that wall? Is there a water pipe going in from the other side? Maybe it’s a fitting for a hose bib? Maybe the ‘W’ is for ‘water’?
  6. Fuel oil tank
  7. Undo it and sniff
  8. It’s for filling an oil tank
  9. Could be that the building formerly had oil heat. If so, it’s the filling spout for the oil tank. The other holes allow air to vent out of the oil tank as it is filled with oil.
  10. Where is it on the house? Kinda looks like a flag on a stick hanger
  11. Painted over is good , means no problem with that drain in years
  12. I think the W is meaningless in the context of the whole thing. It’s just the makers mark of the pipe plug. Probably a Weatherhead fitting although I think they usually had a horizontal line through the W.
  13. Def for an oil heater in the basement
  14. Natural gas hookup for an old gas flame porch lamp?
  15. Is it opposite a kitchen sink? It’s a clean out for a kitchen, probably an older house.
  16. Old oil fill/ vent. Missing the cover
  17. Broken flag pole holder?
  18. I think it might be a place to put a flag pole into so that the flag hangs diagonally out from on the side of the building
  19. With this being in block I assume it connects to a threaded rod inside the building to put tension on the block helping it stay in place. I believe this to be structural.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!

Read More: What are these glass things attached to the cieling? They’re all over the house by the windows. House was built between 2010-2015.

In the heart of Philadelphia, nestled among the rows of historic homes, stands a peculiar anomaly that has piqued the curiosity of passersby and residents alike. On the front exterior of one particular row home, amidst the layers of paint that cloak its facade, there lies a small enigmatic symbol. Measuring a mere 3 inches by 6 inches, this cryptic marking, resembling either a ‘W’ or an ‘M’, has become a subject of fascination and speculation in the neighborhood.

The mysterious symbol appears to have been painted over along with the rest of the house, hinting at its antiquity and suggesting that it has been a part of the home’s exterior for quite some time. Yet, despite its apparent age, there are no similar markings to be found adorning the facades of neighboring homes. This unique characteristic only adds to the mystique surrounding this obscure emblem.

Residents of the area have found themselves drawn to the puzzle presented by the symbol, with many engaging in spirited discussions and debates about its possible origins and significance. Some speculate that it may be a remnant of a bygone era, a relic of a forgotten tradition or a marker with symbolic meaning. Others entertain more whimsical theories, suggesting it could be a secret code left behind by a previous owner or even an arcane symbol with mystical properties.

Local historians and preservationists have also been intrigued by the discovery, as it presents an opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of Philadelphia’s architectural and cultural history. Efforts are underway to research the archives, scour old photographs, and consult with experts in an attempt to unravel the mystery of the symbol and shed light on its significance.

As word of the mysterious symbol spreads, it has become a focal point of interest for visitors to the neighborhood, drawing attention to the subtle nuances and hidden treasures that can be found within Philadelphia’s historic streets. Some have even taken to referring to the row home as the “House of the Enigmatic Emblem,” further cementing its status as a local curiosity.

In a city steeped in history and tradition, where every brick tells a story, the discovery of the mysterious symbol on the front exterior of a Philadelphia row home serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring allure of the past. As residents and enthusiasts alike continue to ponder its meaning and significance, one thing remains certain: the enigma of the symbol will continue to captivate and inspire for years to come.

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