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Does anyone know what these outlines could have been in my living room? House is a small duplex, built approx. 1920, in a small poor salt mining/steel mill town. Other side of the duplex doesn’t have these shapes. Also not where the chimney is. Wall is plaster.

A questioner said:

Does anyone know what these outlines could have been in my living room? House is a small duplex, built approx. 1920, in a small poor salt mining/steel mill town. Other side of the duplex doesn’t have these shapes. Also not where the chimney is. Wall is plaster.
I’ve wondered about these my whole life. This was my grandma’s house for the last 30 years, now where I’m living. I only noticed how prominent they were when I was painting the wall – formerly white, now grey.
No photo description available.
No photo description available.
No photo description available.
Some of the comments:
  1. Honestly it looks like someone had to open up the wall for some reason and just did a crappy job repairing it.
  2. I’d have to take a look No photo description available.
  3. Coraline door
  4. Know one thing before you start . You are opening up something that was covered for a reason. There is many problems behind that wall. Good luck. Make your budget wisely and times it by 4 .
  5. No idea what it is but is this near Pittsburgh? I’ve seen so many houses in Pgh that have the weirdest quirks like this lol
  6. Old wall heater for the rectangle?No photo description available.
  7. Looks like a fireplace
  8. Looks like something furnace related. Furnaces were huge back then and ran in coal.
  9. Looks like a bad plaster job? Could just be the building moving and settling with it maybe
  10. I have these in my duplex In Indiana, pretty sure it’s just a crappy repair job
  11. Why di I see a wheelchair?!
  12. Do you have basement access to see if brick runs down into the basement in that location? Looks like a fireplace. Or can you look at roof and see any indications there was a chimney. I would be busting through the wall
  13. Loose or repaired plaster that was coming off? Does it feel tight to the lath or is it loose and spongy?
  14. Looks like it could be a fireplace with an arch entry
  15. Could it be impressions caused by your next door neighbors furniture pressing against their side of the wall maybe?

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!

Read More: The whole internet collaborated and couldn’t find what this is. I’m not sure what this is, ninety percent of people don’t know too…

In the quaint embrace of a small duplex, nestled within the confines of a town steeped in the legacies of salt mining and steel milling, a peculiar enigma has emerged. A resident, intrigued by the subtle nuances of their historic abode, has stumbled upon mysterious outlines adorning the walls of their living room. These indistinct shapes, etched into the plaster, defy explanation, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the dwelling’s rich and enigmatic past.

The house itself, a product of its time, stands as a silent witness to the trials and triumphs of yesteryears. Built circa 1920, amidst the industrial fervor that defined the era, it bears the scars of its journey through time. In a town where salt mining and steel milling once reigned supreme, every crack and crevice of this humble abode whispers tales of resilience and adaptation.

Yet, amidst the echoes of the past, the strange outlines in the living room stand out as an anomaly. Unlike the neighboring side of the duplex or the vicinity of the chimney, they occupy a space of their own, defying attempts at logical explanation. What purpose could these shapes have served in the fabric of daily life nearly a century ago?

The plaster walls, once pristine canvases upon which dreams and memories were woven, now harbor secrets long forgotten. Could these outlines be remnants of a bygone era, a vestige of forgotten traditions or utilitarian functions? The mind races with possibilities, each more tantalizing than the last.

Perhaps they were architectural embellishments, remnants of a decorative scheme that once graced the living space, now obscured by the passage of time. Or could they be remnants of makeshift storage solutions, crafted by industrious hands seeking to maximize the limited space available in a small duplex?

The town’s history provides additional layers of intrigue to this already captivating mystery. Salt mining and steel milling, industries synonymous with toil and perseverance, undoubtedly left their mark on the landscape and its inhabitants. Could these outlines be relics of a forgotten era, tangible remnants of a time when salt miners and steelworkers sought solace within the walls of their humble abodes?

As the resident contemplates the enigma before them, they are reminded of the enduring allure of history’s mysteries. In a world where the past often fades into obscurity, leaving behind only fragmented memories and fading echoes, every discovery holds the promise of illumination and understanding.

Armed with curiosity and a desire to uncover the truth, the resident embarks on a journey through time, seeking answers to the questions that have lingered for decades. Through archival research, expert consultations, and the collective wisdom of the community, they hope to unravel the secrets of the strange outlines that adorn their living room walls.

In the end, whether the mystery is solved or remains shrouded in ambiguity matters little. For in the act of seeking, in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, lies the true essence of the journey. And as the resident delves deeper into the mysteries of their historic home, they find themselves not only unraveling the secrets of the past but also forging a deeper connection to the rich tapestry of human experience.

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