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Old School Travel Comb??? Found stuck behind a drawer in our bathroom. Any idea?

A questioner said:

Old School Travel Comb??? Found stuck behind a drawer in our bathroom. Found this stuck behind the drawer in our bathroom. Our house burned down and was rebuilt in the 1950’s. It’s probably 4”x3”ish. The teeth seem pretty wide to be a comb.

r/whatisthisthing - Old School Travel Comb??? Found stuck behind a drawer in our bathroom.

r/whatisthisthing - Old School Travel Comb??? Found stuck behind a drawer in our bathroom.

More info:

Some sort of travel comb maybe? Made of wood with 8 metal tines. About 4×3”. Thanks in advance. Found behind a stuck drawer in our bathroom. Our house burned down and was rebuilt in the 1950’s but was an OG homestead build in the 1870’s originally.

Some of the answers:

  1. CAKE CUTTER is what the “bruthas” called it 1970s. Used for Afros to ‘fluff’ them out. Also had an Iron comb you place on a burner to get hot and use Afro Sheen with it.
  2. It looks like a hair pick, though it seems a little rugged.
  3. That’s for bouffant/beehive maintenance…
  4. Since was in a bathroom drawer, I choose hair ‘pick’. Afro Pick in the 70’s.
  5. I believe this is a tool used for felting textiles/fibers! Here are some similar ones… perhaps this is a more travel-friendly option?
  6. It’s either an Afro pick, or an onion slicer (maybe in the bathroom for hair pick.) You would jam it into the onion and slice between the metal teeth to get even slices.
  7. They are also useful for removing cholla cactus balls from skin.

    The cholla cactus produces a round seed pod with many spines. It detaches so easily from the parent plant that they have become known as “jumping cholla.” The spines are stiff and sharp enough to cause flat tires on vehicles. My daughter got one stuck in her leg. Every attempt to remove it caused it to roll and stick her again. I was informed after the fact to always carry an afro pick when desert hiking. The long tines will fit under the pod and between the spines so you can remove it without it rolling.

  8. It’s a single row wool comb. It’s used for preparing wool before spinning it on a spinning wheel. First you use this pick like comb to loosen the fibers and also to expose any hidden debris you might have missed. Then you card the wool with paddle shaped carding combs after that, and then the wool is ready for spinning. I know this because I own a spinning wheel and have combed and carded wool which I purchased from local farms and even from an Angora goat that I raised for my own spinning projects.
  9. It could also be a fringe comb for a rug.
  10. Picks and fluffs wool, cotton etc.
  11. Could it be a guide for evenly slicing tomatoes and onions?
  12. Pick for curly hair.
  13. My perm pick looked like that but instead of wood, the handle and case were blue plastic
  14. Mine had a ‘sleeve’ as well (a long ago durable forever lasting plastic sleeve). This was most likely the prototype of my comb I still have from many decades ago
  15. I had one for my spiral perm in the late 80’s early 90’s. Easier to carry in a purse or pocket so you don’t get the business end under a nail when digging it out of your purse.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!

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In the midst of our fast-paced, technologically driven world, there’s something undeniably captivating about stumbling upon relics from a bygone era—remnants of a time when simplicity reigned supreme and everyday objects were crafted with care and precision. Recently, while undertaking a routine cleaning session in our bathroom, I had the unexpected pleasure of unearthing such a relic: an old-school travel comb, seemingly frozen in time behind a drawer.

As I carefully dislodged the comb from its hidden crevice, I couldn’t help but marvel at its quaint charm and the stories it held within its well-worn bristles. What adventures had this humble comb witnessed? What hands had wielded it on journeys long forgotten?

The travel comb itself was a testament to a time when travel was a leisurely affair, marked by elegance and sophistication. Crafted from sturdy materials and designed to withstand the rigors of life on the road, it was a trusty companion for globetrotters and adventurers alike—a faithful ally in the pursuit of both practicality and style.

Unlike its modern counterparts, with their sleek designs and disposable nature, this vintage travel comb exuded character and longevity. Its sturdy construction hinted at a time when durability was valued above all else, and objects were intended to last a lifetime, if not generations.

As I ran my fingers along the comb’s weathered handle and inspected its finely spaced teeth, I couldn’t help but imagine the hands that had once held it—the travelers who had relied on it to tame unruly locks and maintain a sense of dignity and grace, even in the most far-flung corners of the globe.

In an age where convenience often takes precedence over craftsmanship, stumbling upon relics like the old-school travel comb serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring allure of vintage wares. Each scratch and scuff tells a story—a story of journeys taken, adventures embarked upon, and the simple pleasures of a life well-lived.

As I held the travel comb in my hands, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of connection to the past—a fleeting glimpse into a world that existed long before smartphones and GPS navigation. It was a reminder that, despite the passage of time, some things never truly go out of style.

In a world that moves at breakneck speed, filled with disposable goods and fleeting trends, there’s something comforting about the enduring charm of vintage treasures. They remind us of a simpler time—a time when life moved at a gentler pace, and the journey was just as important as the destination.

So, the next time you stumble upon a forgotten relic tucked away in the recesses of your home, take a moment to pause and appreciate the stories it holds. You may just find yourself transported to a world where elegance, craftsmanship, and adventure reigned supreme—a world waiting to be rediscovered, one vintage treasure at a time.

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