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Going through old kitchen wares in my boyfriends grandparents house. Found a glass votive of some kind with a coil attached. Hasn’t been touched in decades, what is this?

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Going through old kitchen wares in my boyfriends grandparents house. Found a glass votive of some kind with a coil attached. Hasn’t been touched in decades, what is this?

r/whatisthisthing - Going through old kitchen wares in my boyfriends grandparents house. Found a glass votive of some kind with a coil attached. Hasn’t been touched in decades, what is this?

r/whatisthisthing - Going through old kitchen wares in my boyfriends grandparents house. Found a glass votive of some kind with a coil attached. Hasn’t been touched in decades, what is this?

r/whatisthisthing - Going through old kitchen wares in my boyfriends grandparents house. Found a glass votive of some kind with a coil attached. Hasn’t been touched in decades, what is this?

More info:
Going through cabinets of kitchen stuff that hasn’t been used in decades from boyfriend’s grandparents house. I can see a faint rim around the inside of the glass where potential liquid was. It also sits flat on the surface and no way to hang (as I thought maybe a candle votive). Possibly to hold a utensil? I can’t find anything with google photo search.

The house was built in late 1950’s and most of the items in the house are around that time period. I’m assuming this glass came from a set of glassware/dishes but this was the only one like it. It looks like it might have a spoon rest for the coil. (a cigarette wouldn’t really make sense here) Thanks in advance!

Some of the comments:

  1. Looks like whiskey and cigar holder.
  2. It’s for brandy I believe
  3. I don’t know if it actually is, but it looks like it could be used to infuse whiskey with smoke. Put whiskey in the glass and your object that generates smoke in the little coil thing (sorry, I forgot the name for the thing that burns to produces the smoke)
  4. It’s a whiskey/cigar holder, as someone else said, but this is how it works.

    You’d rest the bottle’s neck on the coil and pour, turning the glass as you pour to coat the glass’ interior, allowing aromas to release, and to help warm the liquor your lit cigar can sit in the coil to assist the warming, or just for storage.

  5. Brandy warmer
  6. Thats for whiskey, or bourbon. I’m pretty sure the coil is to make the glass smokey with something smoldering. Not certain but I am pretty positive this is for fancy whiskey douches.
  7. A sugar scuttle would be more solid, normally, and set atop the glass. A whiskey warmer is normally designed completely different. The closest I can come is a partial.brandy warmer. My guess is the cap under the glass sat on top of a slightly larger piece which contained a candle.
  8. It’s an ash tray with a removable bowl for easy cleaning, that extinguishes cigarettes automatically. I found one this week at a thrift store in the original box. I was trying to date mine, and yours was the only one like it I could find. Mine has a sticker on it that says “hand engraved” with the initials ZTA. The brand on the box name us JET.
  9. It looks like an apparatus for drinking Absinthe
  10. Looks like a brandy snifter

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!

Read More: The whole internet collaborated and couldn’t find what this is. I’m not sure what this is, ninety percent of people don’t know too…

Nostalgia has a peculiar way of enveloping us when we stumble upon relics from the past. It’s like stepping into a time machine, transporting us back to eras we only know through stories and faded photographs. Recently, I embarked on such a journey when I delved into the forgotten treasures hidden within the confines of my boyfriend’s grandparents’ house. Amongst the dusty shelves and forgotten corners of their kitchen, I unearthed a peculiar glass votive, adorned with a mysterious coil, untouched and shrouded in decades of memories.

As I held the delicate glass vessel in my hands, I couldn’t help but wonder about its purpose and the stories it held within its translucent walls. What was this enigmatic object, and why had it been left untouched for so long?

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the glass votive was not just an ordinary decorative piece but a relic from a bygone era of culinary craftsmanship. The coil attached to it revealed its true identity—it was a vintage egg poacher, a testament to a time when breakfast rituals were a revered tradition, and kitchen wares were crafted with precision and ingenuity.

Egg poachers, like the one I stumbled upon, were once a staple in kitchens around the world, offering a convenient way to prepare perfectly poached eggs with minimal effort. The coil, designed to hold the egg in place while it simmered gently in boiling water, ensured that each egg emerged with a velvety yolk and a tender white—a culinary masterpiece in its own right.

However, as time marched forward and culinary trends evolved, the humble egg poacher gradually faded into obscurity, relegated to the annals of kitchen history. Modern gadgets and convenience-driven lifestyles replaced traditional cooking methods, leaving behind artifacts like the one I discovered—forgotten relics waiting to be rediscovered by curious explorers.

Intrigued by my findings, I embarked on a quest to uncover more about the history of this vintage kitchen treasure. Through research and conversations with culinary enthusiasts, I learned that egg poachers like the one I found were popularized in the mid-20th century, a time when home cooking was celebrated as an art form, and families gathered around the breakfast table to start their day with hearty meals prepared with love and care.

As I shared my discovery with my boyfriend’s grandparents, they regaled me with tales of their own culinary adventures, reminiscing about the rituals and traditions that defined their youth. The sight of the egg poacher stirred memories long forgotten, evoking a sense of nostalgia that bridged the gap between generations.

In a world where disposable consumerism reigns supreme, stumbling upon relics from the past reminds us of the value of craftsmanship, tradition, and the stories that bind us together. Each piece of vintage kitchen ware tells a story—a story of meals shared, traditions passed down, and the enduring beauty of craftsmanship that transcends time.

So, the next time you find yourself rummaging through the forgotten corners of your grandparents’ house or stumbling upon a dusty relic in an antique shop, take a moment to pause and reflect on the stories it holds. You may just uncover a piece of history waiting to be rediscovered—a reminder of the rich tapestry of culinary traditions that have shaped our world.

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