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Found in an old house. Made of wood with string attached. About 5 inches! Any idea?

A questioner said:
Found in an old house. Made of wood with string attached. About 5 inches! Any idea?

r/whatisthisthing - Found in an old house. Made of wood with string attached. About 5 inches

r/whatisthisthing - Found in an old house. Made of wood with string attached. About 5 inches

More info:
Found it in an approx 200 year old house. It’s wooden and is painted red and yellow. It’s about 5″ long and 3″ wide.

Some of the answers:

  1. It looks like an old summer camp wood working project, like maybe a coat hanger.
  2. I’m going to guess a handmade boat toy. Tie a string to the top and pull it along a creek or something.
  3. Maybe a chalk line tool or plumb bob? Does the string have a powder on it?
  4. Kinda looks like an homemade tank toy.
  5. I grew up fascinated by & reading the older books in my grandparents house, many were from turn of the century (20th…) I swear I saw an illustration of kids pulling these things like toys, dragging one behind them for fun. Not sure but the pic definitely rang a bell, hopefully we get a final answer
  6. Carpenter here. It looks like a string line. You’d use the string to keep your framing straight and then wrap the excess string around that handle. Does the handle spin by chance?
  7. Whatever it is, put it back where you found it and never speak of it again
  8. I see the initials F P so I would think that is up or the angle to be viewed from. I can’t quite see is there initials on the opposite side? Where does the string attach? How long is the string? Does there seem to be anything on the string? (Dirt, chalk etc?) Is there any holes in the “back”?
  9. I made something similar is shop class. Does it have an indent in-between the hook and the base where a marble would fit? They were towel holders.
  10. I think it’s a coat hook some kid made in woodwork class, that was never attached to a wall/used because it’s a stupid shape for a coat hook, got thrown in a drawer, and ended up with string tangled round it.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!

Read More: The whole internet collaborated and couldn’t find what this is. I’m not sure what this is, ninety percent of people don’t know too…

In the quiet corners of history, there are often discoveries waiting to be made, hiding in the shadows of time. Such was the case with an enigmatic artifact recently unearthed from the depths of an old house, whispering secrets of a bygone era. Crafted from wood and adorned with string, this humble object, measuring about five inches in length, has sparked intrigue and speculation among historians and archaeologists alike.

Unveiling the Artifact

The discovery of this mysterious artifact occurred during a routine renovation of a century-old house nestled in a quaint countryside. Amidst the dust and debris of decades past, builders stumbled upon a hidden compartment within a wall. Inside lay a trove of forgotten treasures, among which this peculiar wooden object stood out.

Crafted with precision from a single piece of wood, the artifact bore the weathered marks of age, its surface smooth and worn by the passage of time. Intriguingly, a series of strings were intricately wound around its form, their purpose shrouded in mystery.

Deciphering its Purpose

As researchers delve into the artifact’s origins, they are confronted with a puzzle waiting to be solved. The simplicity of its design belies a complexity that hints at its significance in the past. Speculations abound regarding its potential functions and cultural significance.

Some experts propose that it may have served a utilitarian purpose, perhaps as a tool for measurement or navigation. Others suggest a more ceremonial role, invoking rituals or traditions long forgotten. The presence of string suggests a connection to weaving or textile crafts, hinting at the artisanal skills of its creators.

Contextualizing History

To unravel the enigma of this artifact, researchers turn to the broader context of history. The house itself, with its timeworn walls and whispered tales, offers clues to its past inhabitants and their way of life. Each scratch and scuff on the artifact’s surface speaks volumes about the hands that crafted it and the journey it undertook through the annals of time.

By drawing parallels with similar artifacts found in archaeological sites around the world, historians strive to piece together the puzzle of its origins. Through comparative analysis and meticulous research, they hope to shed light on the cultural practices and beliefs that shaped its creation.

Preserving Heritage

As efforts to unravel the mystery of the wooden artifact continue, there is a growing recognition of the importance of preserving such historical treasures. Beyond their intrinsic value as relics of the past, these artifacts serve as windows into the rich tapestry of human experience.

By safeguarding these remnants of history, we honor the legacies of those who came before us, ensuring that their stories endure for future generations to discover and appreciate. Whether displayed in museums or studied in research labs, each artifact offers a glimpse into the vast expanse of human creativity and ingenuity.


In the quiet confines of an old house, amidst the whispers of time, an ancient mystery awaits discovery. The wooden artifact, with its cryptic design and silent testimony, beckons us to unlock its secrets and uncover the hidden truths of our shared past. As we embark on this journey of exploration and inquiry, we are reminded of the enduring power of history to captivate and inspire us, bridging the divide between the present and the bygone eras of antiquity.

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