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Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse. Any idea?

A questioner said:

Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse. Any idea?

r/whatisthisthing - Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse

r/whatisthisthing - Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse

r/whatisthisthing - Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse

r/whatisthisthing - Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse

r/whatisthisthing - Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse

r/whatisthisthing - Old wood and metal hinged folding platform found in old ice warehouse

More info: This was found in a warehouse built sometime around 1920 that made and stored ice. The base has one adjustment, can be folded flat, and appears to have remnants of a canvas strap of some kind.

Some of the answers:

  1. Maybe it is a ramp to help load the ice blocks into the delivery truck/wagon.
  2. Ice handler here from a long line of ice handlers, can confirm that’s an Acme model 12 ice ramp from the early 1900’s.
  3. Ramp, allows the ice blocks to slide in (or out) without breaking.
  4. Its an Inclined Plane used for getting things up on/off of the back of trucks. its adjustments are likely for the machinery it was used for (ice blocks on rollers?) and adjustable to the various delivery trucks/trailers , and flat for storage purposes.Planes, Pulleys, Screws, Leverage, Wedges, and Axles are the most important basic inventions past the wheel and agriculture. Are they not taught in school anymore at all?!
  5. Adjustable ramp for loading the ice.
  6. My first thought was it is an old ironing board!
  7. Early waterboard
  8. I’d be mortised about what is wrong with the foundations Like damn you live on a fault line?

What do you think? 

In the labyrinthine recesses of forgotten warehouses, amidst the whispers of history and the echoes of bygone eras, lie treasures waiting to be unearthed. Among these relics stands an old wood and metal hinged folding platform—a silent witness to the bustling commerce and frozen landscapes of yesteryears.

Unveiling the Relic

Nestled within the confines of an ancient ice warehouse, this folding platform emerges like a phoenix from the ashes of time. Its weathered wood bears the scars of countless winters, while the sturdy metal hinges stand as sentinels of endurance against the ravages of decay.

A Portal to the Past

As one traces the contours of this hinged platform, they are transported to an era when ice was not a commodity of convenience but a precious resource harvested from frozen lakes and rivers. In the days before refrigeration, ice warehouses served as vital repositories, storing nature’s bounty to be distributed to homes and businesses alike.

The Symphony of Commerce

Imagine the hustle and bustle of activity as workers unloaded blocks of ice from horse-drawn carts, their breath forming clouds in the crisp morning air. The folding platform, with its sturdy construction and versatile design, played a crucial role in this intricate dance of commerce, facilitating the smooth transition of goods from warehouse to awaiting vehicles.

A Testament to Ingenuity

Crafted with care and precision, the wood and metal hinged platform exemplifies the ingenuity of its creators. Each component serves a purpose, from the robust metal hinges that allow for seamless folding to the weather-resistant wood that withstands the elements with stoic resilience.

Echoes of a Bygone Era

As one contemplates the significance of this relic, they cannot help but marvel at the ingenuity and resourcefulness of those who came before. In an age long before the conveniences of modern technology, simple yet effective solutions like the folding platform stood as testaments to human innovation and adaptability.

Preserving Heritage

In today’s fast-paced world, where progress marches ever forward, it is easy to overlook the importance of preserving our heritage. Yet, objects like the wood and metal hinged folding platform serve as reminders of the rich tapestry of history that weaves its way through our collective consciousness.

Conclusion: A Window into the Past

As we gaze upon the weathered wood and sturdy metal of the folding platform, we are transported to a time when life moved at a slower pace, and the rhythms of nature dictated the ebb and flow of daily existence. It stands as a silent sentinel, bearing witness to the triumphs and tribulations of generations past—a tangible link to a world that exists now only in memory and imagination. And as we honor its legacy, we ensure that the stories of those who came before will continue to echo through the corridors of time for generations to come.

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