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Strange ceramic plate on basement ceiling under kitchen? 103 year old house! Any idea?

A questioner said:
Strange ceramic plate on basement ceiling under kitchen? 103 year old house! Any idea?

r/whatisthisthing - Strange ceramic plate on basement ceiling under kitchen? 103 year old house

r/whatisthisthing - Strange ceramic plate on basement ceiling under kitchen? 103 year old house

r/whatisthisthing - Strange ceramic plate on basement ceiling under kitchen? 103 year old house

Also said:
There’s some sort of wiring that comes out of this odd plate, and the wires dissapear into the ceiling behind a board. This is underneath the kitchen and not visible from above (though there is new vinyl flooring, so I cannot see underneath or snoop because this is a rental). It’s in the corner of the basement with all the wire and pipe inlets and outlets. Not too far from the (newer) electrical box. Also helpful might be the fact that this is a house with tons of knob and tube wiring that was built in 1920 in the Midwest. Can’t quite read what it says. Looks ceramic. Thanks for your help!

Some answers were:

  1. It’s a lightning arrestor for landline phone wiring.
  2. According to this this, it may be from the old telephone wiring.

    From another search: ‘Western Electric Telephone Phone Lightning Arrester Resistor Model 29-B 1919’

  3. Be careful, the white rectangular plate looks like asbestos for insulating purpose.
  4. I knew an old lady who would not talk on the phone during a lightning storm. Perhaps getting your brains fried was a thing in the 1930’s.
  5. Right into the 2000s were I am people know better than to use a landline phone in a heavy thunderstorm.
  6. Looks like a kind of light bulb fitting.
  7. We found a lot of weird old lighting connectors (connected to 110v) in my daughter’s house, and that was my first impression as well.
  8. perhaps but why all the extra…tubing and prongs and things? there’s a screw base but so much other stuff lol. did early light bulb require a whole ton of stuff?
  9. Floor outlet in the room above?
  10. Looks like an old knob and tube light fixture

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!


In the realm of old houses lie mysteries waiting to be unraveled, secrets tucked away in forgotten corners. Such was the case for one homeowner who stumbled upon a peculiar artifact in their century-old abode. Nestled inconspicuously on the basement ceiling directly beneath the kitchen above, lay a mysterious ceramic plate, prompting questions about its origins and purpose.

The discovery was made in a quaint 103-year-old house nestled in a historic neighborhood, where each creaking floorboard tells a story of bygone eras. The homeowner, intrigued by the home’s rich history, often found joy in uncovering remnants of the past. However, nothing could have prepared them for the enigmatic find lurking above.

At first glance, the ceramic plate appeared unremarkable, blending into the shadows of the basement ceiling. Yet, upon closer inspection, its intricate design hinted at a significance beyond mere decoration. Etched into the surface were cryptic symbols and faded patterns, reminiscent of ancient craftsmanship.

Speculation ran rampant as to the purpose of the plate. Some posited that it served a practical function, perhaps concealing a structural imperfection or housing hidden wiring. Others entertained more fanciful theories, suggesting it was part of a clandestine ritual or acted as a portal to another realm. The truth, however, remained elusive.

To shed light on the mystery, the homeowner embarked on a journey through the annals of the house’s history. Consulting archival records and interviewing long-time residents, they pieced together fragments of the past, hoping to unearth clues about the ceramic anomaly.

Their investigation unveiled a tapestry of tales woven into the fabric of the house’s existence. Stories of previous inhabitants, renovations, and peculiar occurrences intertwined, painting a vivid portrait of life within the old walls. Yet, amid the anecdotes and anecdotes, the origin of the ceramic plate remained shrouded in ambiguity.

As word of the discovery spread, enthusiasts and historians alike flocked to the house, eager to offer their insights and theories. Some drew parallels to similar artifacts found in ancient civilizations, suggesting a cultural or symbolic significance. Others proposed more pragmatic explanations, citing architectural practices of a bygone era.

Amidst the speculation, one prevailing theory emerged—that of a forgotten tradition or superstition passed down through generations. In an age where belief in the supernatural often intertwined with everyday life, it was not uncommon for homeowners to employ talismans and charms to ward off evil or invite good fortune.

In the end, the true nature of the ceramic plate may forever remain a mystery, an enigmatic relic of the past preserved in the annals of history. Yet, its discovery serves as a reminder of the layers of history embedded within the walls of old houses, waiting to be uncovered by those willing to delve into the past.

As the homeowner gazes up at the strange ceramic plate suspended above, they are filled with a sense of awe and wonder, knowing that amidst the mundane routines of modern life, echoes of the past still linger, waiting to be discovered and cherished. For in the heart of every old house lies a story waiting to be told, a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

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