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PHOTOS INSIDE Old Hickory – F.W. Knox Villa

Nestled amidst the serene landscapes the Old Hickory – F. W. Knox Villa stands as a beacon of elegance and historical significance. With its rich heritage, this architectural masterpiece captivates visitors with its timeless charm and refined craftsmanship. Originally conceived as the private residence, the Old Hickory Villa exudes an air of grandeur and sophistication from the moment one sets eyes upon its majestic facade. Designed with meticulous attention to detail by renowned architects of the era, every aspect of this stately home speaks volumes about the opulent lifestyle of its original inhabitants. As one steps through the ornate entranceway, they are transported back in time to an era of unparalleled luxury and refinement. From the grand foyer adorned with intricate woodwork to the expansive living spaces adorned with lavish furnishings, each room tells a story of wealth and privilege, offering a glimpse into the lives of those who once called this estate home.

Credit and thanks to: knoxvilla IG for these amazing photos!

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